Top 6 Interior Design Trends in India
Indians have always been typically proud of their homes and surroundings. If you are a proud homeowner, then incorporating some new trendy designs into your space can be a wonderful change. You don’t have to go for a massive makeover that costs you a lot of money; you can do little things that will help you keep up with the latest interior design trends. So here goes:

Going natural
One of the most fun interior design trends in homes this year is going natural. As people go with full-on technology in their lives, they want to come back to something natural. And so, there is the use of a lot of natural stones like granite and marble and also a lot of wood. Home furniture made from natural materials like wood, brass and copper are doing the rounds because people want to bring back that naturalness in their homes.
Floral patterns
Floral was always something close to Indian people, but now it has really made a comeback with bolder patterns and prints. Bedroom furniture stores boast of lots of floral bed sheets and pillow covers. Modern furniture stores are filled to the gills with floral curtains and upholstery. Florals bring out the feminine side of a home and can be just the thing you were looking for to perk up the aesthetics.
Going monochrome
Indians have always been known to love colour in all their hues but judging from the best furniture stores being partial to quite a bit of white and black, it can be said with certainly that the country is catching up with the monochrome look. The minimalist monochrome look is surely a hit worldwide and now India too seems to have fallen in love with it. The monochrome look is also perfect for single people!
Good old geometric patterns
Upgrade your modern living room furniture with some geometric patterns to make it look on-trend. It is so easy to do it. All you need is little things to perk up the look. Things like circular rugs and circular mirrors can be fantastic additions to your home. Now, geometric carpets and print tiles are also available.
The matte effect
Matte finishes are not just restricted to lip makeup anymore. You can try modern furniture stores for the matte effect in your furniture and even walls. Many people are choosing the matte effect on their walls because it is time to bid the glossy look goodbye once and for all. Matte finish paints are easily available.
Usability of furniture
Furniture trends the world over is moving from decorative to functionality and the same can be said for India as well. That means that when you buy home furniture or bedroom furniture sets, it is best to choose things that are highly functional and not just pretty. With space-saving something most homeowners are interested in, the best furniture stores are opting to manufacture furniture that meets the real needs of real people.